Ezypay's Help Centre
Settlement Summary Report Guide

What is the settlement summary report?

The Settlement Summary Report provides a summary of incoming and outgoing payments and the final amount that was settled to you from Ezypay. External payments made outside the Ezypay system (e.g. a customer paying cash over the counter for their subscription) will not appear in the Settlement Report.

The Settlement Summary Report is generated as PDF file format. Information in the Settlement Summary Report is static and has been grouped in a specific order. If you wish to manipulate the data to produce specific lists and report variations, please make use of the Settlement Report in CSV format, which can be viewed as it is or easily imported into your software accounting system of choice.

Understanding your settlement summary report

Report header

  • Merchant Number is your merchant account number with Ezypay.
  • Merchant Legal Name is your registered business name. Your business’ trading name is displayed on the top right of the report.
  • Settlement Date is the date that Ezypay processed your settlement. Do note that your settlement payout date can differ depending on factors such as your bank’s processing time and bank holidays.

Settlement amount

Your settlement amount is a sum of total revenue minus total deductions.

Total revenue

Total revenue is a sum of all incoming payments into your account plus deductions that failed and therefore were not made, hence credited back into your account.

Incoming Payments

Failed Deductions

  • Subscription payments
  • Add-on Payments
  • Setup payments
  • On-demand payments
  • Merchant collected customer paid Ezypay fees
  • Ezypay fee refund/waived
  • Reverse chargeback
  • Partner payments
  • Fee revenue share
  • Partner revenue share
  • Settlement adjustments


  • Failed refund
  • Failed partner payments
  • Failed partner revenue share

Note: Not all the items may apply to your merchant account with Ezypay.

Total deduction

Total Deduction is a sum of all outgoing payments from your account plus payments that Ezypay failed to collect on your behalf.

Incoming Payments

Failed Deductions

  • Ezypay fees
    • Transaction fee
    • Load fee
    • Failed payment fee
    • Refund fee
  • Refunds
  • Chargeback
  • Partner payments
  • Partner revenue share
  • Settlement adjustments


  • Failed refund
  • Failed partner payments
  • Failed partner revenue share

Note: Not all the items may apply to your merchant account with Ezypay.

Tax invoice summary

The section on Tax Invoice Summary is a summary of Ezypay fees amount and taxes applied on your settlement amount. Ezypay provides a Settlement Tax Invoice in PDF format for each successful settlement. You should be able to obtain the Settlement Tax Invoice from your integrated platform. Contact Ezypay if you need more details.

General account reconciliation

To obtain...


Total payments collected from your customers

Add the Total Revenue for:

  • Subscription payments
  • Add-on Payments
  • Setup payments
  • On-demand payments
  • Merchant collected customer paid Ezypay fees

Then, minus the Total Deduction for:

  • Failed payments

Total refunds made to your customers

Add the Total Deduction for:

  • Refunds

Then, minus the Total Revenue for:

  • Failed refund

Total deduction for Ezypay fees

Add the Total Deduction for:

  • Transaction fee
  • Load fee
  • Failed payment fee
  • Refund fee

Then, minus the Total Revenue for:

  • Ezypay fee refund/waived


Why does the invoice count not matched the transaction count?

A customer invoice is issued to specify the payment required from your customer. An invoice may contain more than one item. For example, an invoice may consist of a subscription payment, an add-on payment and a customer paid Ezypay transaction fee.

A transaction occurs when an attempt is made to collect the payment for the invoice. If the first attempt has failed, a second attempt can occur via Ezypay’s auto payment retry function or when you request for Ezypay to collect the payment again. This would then result in two transactions for the same invoice.

For merchant paid Ezypay fees, you may see an invoice count of a high number but only one transaction count. In this scenario, fees are charged based on the customer invoice count. The transaction count is Ezypay’s attempt to collect the fee payment from you.

Why is the Customer Name column empty for Load Fee and Failed Payment Fee? How do I reconcile this fee with my customer payment?

The Customer Name may not appear if the Load Fee and Failed Payment Fee were paid by the merchant instead of paid by the customer. You can track from the Invoice No. to see which customer the fee was charged for.

Why doesn’t the report provide me itemised details of the transaction fees charged?

To do so would defeat the purpose of a summary report. If you wish to track details of each transaction fee charged, please refer to the comprehensive Settlement Report in CSV format.

Ezypay fees

Ezypay charges fees when you or your customers use Ezypay services.

Note: If you want to charge your customer your own fees, such as setup or joining fees, please use the plan's setup payment or add-on payment option instead. The term "fees" strictly refers to Ezypay fees.

Ezypay Fee Types

The following are the fees that Ezypay charges.

Ezypay Fee

Payable By

Fee is charged when...

Transaction Fee

Merchant or Customer

When a customer transaction is processed through a payment processor.

Load Fee

Merchant or Customer

When a transaction is processed on the first invoice for the new customer.

Failed Payment Fee

Merchant or Customer

When a transaction failed.

Refund Fee

Merchant Only

When a refund transaction is processed.

Who pays the Ezypay Fees

Ezypay fees (with exception of the refund fee) can be configured to be paid by the merchant or customer. However, these customer paid fees can be automatically transferred to the merchant if:

  • a paid invoice is refunded.
  • payment for past due invoice has been collected externally.
  • a past due invoice is written off.

Note: Not all these conditions may apply. Contact Ezypay Support for more details on your merchant fee pricing rules.


Stone & Chalk - Level 1/477 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000

hello@ezypay.com | 1300 652 825
